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A robust economy and business climate that creates jobs and economic opportunity for all is fundamental to the promise of the American Dream, the spirit of California, and the overall health and prosperity of Butte County. We recognize the importance of the three largest industries and areas of economic activity in Butte County: healthcare, education, and agriculture. Butte County agriculture feeds the world and supports a global economy. Our educational institutions serve students from throughout California, the nation, and the world. Our healthcare providers care for residents of our county and from beyond our county’s borders.

The Butte County Democratic Party…

  • Encourages the sustainable growth and the creation and support of small businesses, that are the backbone of our local economy. 

  • Encourages local, sustainable agriculture with access to local markets such as the Chico Farmers Market.

  • Supports de-escalation of trade wars and opposes tariffs that have increased the cost of raw goods used by and reduced the prices received by Butte County businesses and farmers.

  • Calls for county and city incentives to bring new living-wage jobs to Butte County.

  • Encourages efforts by local government and the business community to leverage educational institutions in our county to grow the economy.  

  • Calls for the expansion of career and technical education at Butte College and Butte County high schools in order to prepare students for good-paying local jobs in the arts, manufacturing, farming, medical, and Science, Technical, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

  • Advocates for opportunities in public contracting for small businesses, including minority- and female-owned businesses. 

  • Pushes local governments to hire returning veterans and local residents through collective bargaining with labor unions (specifically, Project Labor Agreements) that afford training programs and career advancement.  

  • Requires corporate and local telecommunications providers to invest in infrastructure for the 21st century that delivers high-speed broadband access to enable residents of Butte County to successfully work from home, give rural students access to online education, and enable local businesses to compete. 

  • Advocates for a more realistic tax structure that provides local governments with the proper funding to deliver efficient public services and programs that create an environment conducive to business development, such as public transportation, public education, and public safety. 

  • Supports creating local jobs to improve sustainable forest management practices that will reduce wildfire risk to our communities in the wildland-urban interface. Call for the California Resources Agency to provide additional funding to the county to expand local California Conservation Corps projects.

  • Recognizes the importance of immigrants and the cultural and economic value they add to our country.

  • Supports the speedy development of the cannabis industry in Butte County in order to fulfill the demands of the voters, increase sales tax revenue, and create jobs.

© 2024 Butte County Democratic Party. All rights reserved. FPPC# 741900 FEC ID# C00565929

Paid for by the Butte County Democratic Central Committee. Mailing address: 1692 Mangrove Ave. Box #502, Chico, CA 95926

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. 

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