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Democratic Clubs in Butte County            


The Butte County Democratic Party invites you to visit a chartered club to interact with local Democrats who share your political interests and concerns. Their activities include issue advocacy, candidate forums, precinct organizing, voter registration, working on campaigns, and social events. Anyone may attend club meetings, and the option of membership is open to all registered Democrats who support the principals of the Party. Contact the clubs directly for specific information about meetings, membership and activities.


The Democratic Action Club of Chico, known as DACC, was founded in 1997 to reach out to the Chico community and the surrounding neighborhoods. Its mission is to promote Democratic candidates and issues, and to create a robust local Democratic Party. DACC meetings are intended to educate and motivate our membership, and speakers include political candidates, elected officials and advocates of pressing issues. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Beatniks, at 1387 E 8th St, Chico.
For more information, contact us at info@DACC.Democrat or find us on Facebook or the web at:

DACC website:

​Donate to DACC here:

The Oroville Area Democratic Club covers a 30-mile radius around Oroville, including the towns of Gridley, Bangor, Palermo, Thermalito and Biggs. The club meetings generally have at least one guest speaker, such as political candidates, social group representatives, and event coordinators. Come join us, enjoy the company of like-minded folk, and help make a better future for our town, our state, and our country. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM via Zoom (for now). For more information, call 530-632-5744.


The Chico Democratic Club are working on registering Democrats, including high school youth, to vote; stopping the Saturday Chico's Farmers Market from being evicted from their present site (22 years at 2nd St & Wall St); saving the Chico’s Greenline. To volunteer or contribute contact us at Contribute online here:


The Chico State Democratic Club is committed to creating a bloc of young voters who will elect Democrats for an entire generation. CSU Chico Student Democrats work every day to promote social justice, women’s rights, peace and stability in the world, and many other progressive values. For information about meetings and activities, contact us at or find us on Facebook at


The Paradise Ridge Democratic Club was started by a small group of local residents in the early 1950's to bring Democratic values to the Paradise/Magalia area. The club studies non-partisan issues that affect our daily lives, and supports Democratic candidates. Guest speakers and lively discussions make every meeting into a forum. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM via Zoom (for now). For more information, call 530-636-0199

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© 2024 Butte County Democratic Party. All rights reserved. FPPC# 741900 FEC ID# C00565929

Paid for by the Butte County Democratic Central Committee. Mailing address: 1692 Mangrove Ave. Box #502, Chico, CA 95926

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. 

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